New England Training Curriculum in
Sexually Transmitted Infections

A CME-based series of online case studies

Case 17

A 19-year-old female college student presents with pruritis and irritated skin in the inguinal area, as well as a blotchy rash and small (pinpoint) bruises on the inner thighs.  Upon further questioning, the patient reports that the itchiness worsens at night. The patient denies any recent fever, chills, lymphadenopathy, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. She has not experienced any abnormal vaginal discharge or bleeding. The patient also denies skin irritation, rashes, or dry skin elsewhere on her body. She shares an apartment with her male partner, with whom she has had a monogamous sexual relationship. She reports taking oral contraceptive pills and engages in condomless sex.  The patient denies any recent travel, close contact with any sick individuals, significant changes in diet, or changes in laundry detergents or personal hygiene products (soap, shaving cream, shampoo, etc.). She has no other significant medical history, has never been tested for sexually transmitted infections, and has not taken any prescription medications in the past three months aside from oral contraceptives.  On physical examination of the pelvic area, several small white and grey specks are visible near the shafts of the pubic hair.

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Funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources & Services Administration
HIV/AIDS Bureau, under grant number, U1OHA29294.